Low Tox’ Fall Simmer Pot.
The thing about falling down the rabbit hole of scrunchy living is that once you fall — you realize that there is SO much around us that sets us up for failure when it comes to thriving. However, you also don’t want the fear of toxins to become more toxic than the toxin itself.
So you start small. You see what you’re willing to budge on and what is worth it for you to stick with, even if you know it’s maybe not the best for you (lol, botox anyone?).
For us, it was our household scents — so many store bought, mass manufactured candles and sprays are full of endocrine disruptors. Things like synthetic fragrances that are used in making candle scents usually contain phthalates. As the candles burn, phthalates are released into the air and can be inhaled or absorbed through the skin. When the phthalates enter the bloodstream, they can exacerbate allergic symptoms and asthma and alter hormone levels (NIH).
Without getting too into the weeds of the other ingredients in candles that can cause health issues — I decided that making our home smell good, didn’t need to come at the expense of our health.
I learned how to make clean room/body sprays, taught myself how to make candles, but THIS recipe is by far the easiest way to make your house smell like you walked into William Sonoma during the Thanksgiving season.
1 apple, sliced
1 orange, sliced
Handful of cinnamon sticks
Optional nutmeg or cloves (I personally prefer without!)
Place your ingredients in a pot of water. Bring to a simmer on your stove & enjoy. Be mindful of replenishing water as needed and turning the stovetop off!